Welcome to Therapy Solutions for Children, a pediatric outpatient 'occupational therapy' clinic providing state of the art Occupational Therapy services for children of all ages, and with varying types of abilities and disabilities.

Our vision is to create an environment of love, acceptance, and support that enables clients to respond to therapeutic intervention; in order to grow, develop and function at their best.

Our Mission:

To provide quality occupational therapy services to clients, families, and community; To increase a greater understanding, awareness and knowledge of subtle neuromotor problems and other related learning and behavior disorders;


Providing Quality Pediatric Outpatient Occupational Therapy

What children need Occupational Therapy?

All children with all types of abilities & disabilities can benefit from Occupational Therapy.

Children with a developmental or learning disability, such as dyslexia, delayed motor development, or scholastic/academic underachievement

Children with:

  • Autism and sensory processing disorders
  • Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder
  • Sensory and/or motor deficits
  • Dyspraxia / motor planning disorder
  • Developmental delay
  • Post-institutionalized syndrome
  • Closed head injury
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Fetal alcohol syndrome
  • Genetic Disorders
  • Neurotypical with sensory or motor challenges
  • Other neurological learning and behavior disorders
Therapy Solutions for Children

Children who are experiencing subtle difficulties, despite average or above average intelligence, in one or more of the following areas:

  • Coordination
  • Handwriting
  • Social / emotional development
  • Postural security/sensory processing
Therapy Solutions for Children

Children with emotional disturbances, behavioral problems, and phobic behaviors such as:

  • Separation anxiety
  • Vestibular processing disorders (G.I.)
  • Sensory / tactile defensiveness
  • Self-regulation difficulties
Therapy Solutions for Children

We provide occupational therapy for children from infancy through adolescence.

How can therapy help?

Facilitate normal development and stimulate early learning

Improve self-regulation of attention and behavior

Decrease motor restlessness, and/or hyperactivity (ADHD) by improving sensory processing

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What does OT promote?

Fine & gross motor skills

Posture, muscle tone, balance & coordination

Functional Skills/ADL (Activities of Daily Living)

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Formal Evaluation and screenings

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Treatment Intervention

Uniquely designed sensory motor gyms with specialized suspension system specifically constructed to meet the needs of children with sensory processing disorders and motor coordination challenges.

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Commitment to Practice

As licensed Occupational Therapists, Rita and her staff are committed to providing the optimal level of quality care while facilitating the highest level of function and learning. Rita and her staff are committed to making a positive difference in every child’s life.

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What parents are saying about Rita Patterson & Associates...

“Mrs. Patterson’s knowledge, abilities and professionalism; coupled with a warm personality and obvious affection for children, have resulted in a highly satisfying, very beneficial experience for both our son and our family”. (Parents of a 7 year old child with gravitational insecurity, separation anxiety and coordination difficulties.

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Therapy Solutions for Children is an awesome practice staffed with the most wonderful and caring occupational therapists in Maryland. My son has worked with Ms. Allison, Ms. Teresa, and Ms. Cindy, all of whom are wonderful but there are plenty more smiling faces who also work there. I cannot begin to describe how much of an impact they have had with the treatment for my son. He has learned confidence, social skills, improved motor planning etc., just to name a few. When he first started he could not play on the monkey bars or catch a ball, or say many words. He had a lot of difficulty with fine motor tasks, but he has improved leaps and bounds! In the lobby, you will meet wonderful other families and be able to share stories and share the same struggles raising special needs children. I cannot stop praising this place!

- parent of a child on the autism spectrum.

My son Michael was afraid of going to the park since he was a toddler. In fact, we used to count the minutes until he had a meltdown and cried, and then we would sadly take him home, with tears in our eyes, too. He was fearful of the swings and slides, and things like elevators and escalators were scary to him. Roughhousing with his younger brother always resulted in tears or tantrums. I had a PT evaluate him, but she said there was nothing physically wrong with him, so she could not help him. After working with OT for Children, he began to enjoy what most other children love-spinning, climbing, bounce parties- it Is like a totally different child. He laughs and wrestles with his younger brother now, and everyone In the family Is so much happier now that he can enjoy the world around him!

Thank you so much,

Amy - A Grateful Mother

Your staff has done so very much with Sam in such a short period of time, we are not willing to give that up His writing has improved tremendously, his coordination is continually improving, behavior, vision, focus/attention span - he is even able to occasionally do some of his class work independently now Keith and I attribute these improvements to the work Mary Beth and Marie have done with him and the staff at his school. Thanks so much for all of your help,

- Kim Parks